Tips for smaller players in youth football

In youth football very often, if not most, the smallest players on the pitch are the most gifted technically. It can be very tough against bigger and stronger players if you don’t use your technique and brain to keep free of 1v1 challenges.
Here are some tips
Identity and create space to receive the ball (do you know how to do this)
When receiving the ball keep it on the safe side (foot furthest from opponent)
To improve your speed of play always think ahead and know what you are going to do before you receive the ball
Use a change of pace to fool platers who are quicker than you
Develop your 1 and 2 touch play so you are not on the ball too long and won’t invite a heavy challenge
MANAGERS: think about where to play smaller players and how they will get the ball Gifted small players in midfield is good, up from on their own with long balls pumped up is bad!