Sunday football

I had finished my really early session on Sunday morning so decided to have a walk through some Sunday Youth Football at Chelmer Park and The Prom in Maldon. Two of my favourite places.
Anyway, Chelmer Park lots of matches lots of fun. Players enjoying themselves which is great. Couple of points I noted, goalkeepers still stuck to their line when the ball is in other half and in an older age group too many players turning into opponents or not being able to deal with the ball under pressure. Lots of fun though which is the main part and well behaved supportive parents
Wandered down the Prom and same, lots of games and lots of fun. Couple of things here, under 7’s doing 4v1 keep ball or trying to and the usual queues of players waiting their turn for a shot or dribble. Give them a ball each. Find some ball drills that avoid the queues. I can show you lots. ( we do love a queue though dont we..)
What made me laugh is that subs benches are becoming more and more sophisticated. Kids seem to love sitting under the canopies having a chat and a giggle. Do you think some of the kids would rather sit on the the warm dry bench than come on? Not sure. Changed days indeed! Don’t make them too comfy!
Anyway i enjoyed my walk and noted .’ nothing has changed!’ ( apart from mollycoddled subs!)